Step One is Always Gold
Ray Dalio, founder and chief investment officer of the world's biggest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, shocked many investors recently by publicly advising them to start investing in gold.
Highly successful financial analyst Marc Faber has told his investors since 2000 to buy gold.
Even Warren Buffett, one of those best-known for pouring scorn on the metal as a barbarous relic, has reversed direction and started to buy it, using his Berkshire Hathaway to take a new stake of about $500 million dollars in the shares of precious metals mining company Barrick Gold.
Knowing this, why would anyone delay getting into real assets?
Assuming they had a basic knowledge of financial and economic conditions, the only possible answer is they can't believe the U.S. dollar — and with it their savings — is headed for the dustbin of history.
These are the people who form lines at the bank as the bank closes long after the last of the money is gone.
But if you act today, you can refuse to become helpless victims of the political elite — dependent upon their charity for survival.
I have always recommended buying gold and keeping it in your possession, not in an ETF or a bank.
You should also accumulate silver coins, which have accelerated in price over the last few weeks, but the historical ratio of the price of silver compared with gold is still low. Buy with confidence.
For gold coins, we recommend the Gold Eagle, Canadian Maple Leaf, African Krugerrand or the Australian Kangaroo. We prefer these because they are stamped in English, have their gold content stamped on them, come in convenient, well-known sizes (1 oz., 1/2 oz., 1/4 oz. and 1/10 oz.) and sell at small premiums over the value of their gold content.
You should not need to pay more than around 3 percent above spot price when buying gold bullion in general, nor should you accept lower than 3 percent below spot price when selling, as those are the typical markup or margins for a reputable dealer. I use,, or to find reliable spot pricing.
Inevitably, whenever I recommend buying gold and silver, readers in droves ask me to recommend a dealer.
Your best bet, I believe, is to find a local dealer who is well established, has been in the community a long time and has a good reputation with both the Better Business Bureau and his customers.
How to find such a dealer?
You've come to the right place.
For years I've been revising my exclusive report: Directory of Dealers Specializing in Gold Bullion and Gold Coins.
You should understand, we originally created this manual for our own planning purposes, as well as for friends and family, and then extended its availability to my cherished subscribers. But the need today is of critical importance, so we are offering it to anyone who requests it.
Even better, the newest edition — post pandemic lockdowns — has just been completed by our team.
If you wish to have it sent directly to your inbox, please visit this page right now and we will deliver to you our newly updated Directory. It used to sell for about the price of an ounce of silver... but we can't say that anymore because the price of silver has doubled!
But the price of our report stays exactly the same... meaning we are offering the newest edition at $14.99.
I'll continue to provide information on precious metals and the need for them in future Alerts, but you also want to educate yourself on spot silver and gold prices — and have an idea how to negotiate prices with a dealer to ensure their commission is fair. This takes the risk out of the transaction.
But first, act now, and I will show you where to buy gold and silver bullion and coins. Remember, gold protects you while the banksters don't. It's my pleasure to help protect you and your loved ones.